This blog started with small daily paintings then changed to a more personal sharing of projects, events and photos. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fimo Flower Necklace

My niece, Kaitlyn Duggan, who is a ceramic artist, made these Fimo flower beads. She made these years ago and some of the little curly petals and leaves have since broken off, but they're still beautiful! While looking for something else, we found these beads waiting to be restrung, so we did! My granddaughter has now worn them to school two days in a row--normally she doesn't like to wear necklaces all that much. Here she is doing my breakfast dishes in the Little House on the Prairie style, (but with plastic containers)--fine by me! She had the dishes done before going out the door! (This doesn't happen every day.)


Kim Rempel said...

Lovely! When I was a kid we made roses like that with tinted bread dough and toothpick stems. This necklace is sweet!

Susan Beauchemin said...

H Kim, I'd love to know exactly how to make those roses! Tinted bread dough!--that sounds interesting!

Dean Grey said...

A one-of-a-kind necklace!

How sweet!


Susan Beauchemin said...

it really is!