This blog started with small daily paintings then changed to a more personal sharing of projects, events and photos. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My 35mm

My dad gave me this 35mm camera years ago. I still use it, even though I now own a digital--you can't beat the 35mm for picture quality.
Watercolor, 7"x 7"


martha miller said...

another nice one!
what is the reflected image in the lens??

Susan Beauchemin said...

the image in the lens is a light!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mom--i still have your dad's other camera. The one with the bug in the lenze. It's funny how you can arrange the composition of the photo with this bug in the right corner of all your frames yet he never show up on film. I don't use that camera much anymore now--digital does have it's advantages--plus all my dark room stuff is still at your house. I like the camera series--you should have a show at photo 101 . Oh you know--i never asked but did dad take his new camera under water yet?t