This blog started with small daily paintings then changed to a more personal sharing of projects, events and photos. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Very Old Notes and a Very Old Doodle

I have no recollection of this class and this spaced out self portrait goes so well with these notes--pretty funny!
In searching for my little astrology drawings, I came across a very old stack of drawings and doodles from high school--I just may have to post a few--lots of self portraits--kind of faded so I've had to enhance the contrast a bit.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Seagull Eggs

Seagulls were flying close overhead, squawking and I didn't see their eggs until my son pointed them out to me--under a fence and close to the ocean cliff--they camouflage with the grass and dirt--pretty big eggs!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Drawing in the Zodiac

First with Charcoal, then painted over with acrylic medium.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Painting a Natal Chart

It's time once again to paint a natal chart.

I'm pushing myself to take up some creative pursuits I've let slip to the side.
Why is it that when caring for a child, I put my art endeavors on a back burner--is this a motherly thing that I do?

I'm finding--this time around--being a grandmother/mother, looking at that back burner, my creative ideas are not actively simmering like they did as a young mom.

I don't want this part of myself to slip away--I want to still be enthused and involved with my art work.

I'll say that last sentence as a prayer and put some matches in my pocket!

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Quick Friendship

How amazing to me that two little girls can meet for the first time--make friends--and splash cold water at each other! I have a lot to learn from these little ones!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Mother's Day Hat

posted a little late, but my son's fiancee and my granddaughter wove flowers into my rattan hat for mother's day--this creation was also inspired by the Kentucky Derby, since it was made on the day of the race.

picture taken by my granddaughter sitting in the back seat

picture by my granddaughter

Monday, May 9, 2011

Shops and Shopping in Mexico

I bought a piece of jewelry at this table, so I felt I could ask to take this picture, otherwise I didn't feel entirely free to take pictures. I don't often feel comfortable taking pictures in public even here in the states, so in Mexico, I didn't know if I was being incredibly rude--I did risk it though...

Dog hot and tired--he didn't move as people walked past for a few hot hours in the afternoon.

This is inside a large supermarket--it really felt risky taking this photo, I felt like a health inspector, but I was amazed to see these big balls of dough sitting out in the open--probably waiting to be made into fresh tortillas--could be a large tortilla press to the right.

Friday, May 6, 2011

On a Beach in Mexico

Shiny gold flecks in the wet sand--heat--sweat--burning feet in the dry sand--70+ sunscreen that doesn't completely protect--a need for shade--cool ocean waters of Puerto Vallerta--always, people wanting pesos for food, trinkets, pony rides and for taking a picture!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Palm Trees in Mexico

We stayed at the Flamingo Villa de Palmar--it was so nice to come back here, sweaty and dusty, to swim in this pool and the ocean--very easy to get used to this life style!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

On a bus in Mexico

Every time the bus stopped I tried to sneak in a picture.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I just came back from a trip to Puerto Vallerta--This was a gift from my daughter and her husband--I can't even tell you how great it was--so here's a little sight and sound while riding on a bus. I now wish I had taped this whole song, but I didn't want to take up too much space on my memory card.