This blog started with small daily paintings then changed to a more personal sharing of projects, events and photos. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Great Blue Heron Marks the Spot

I realized the first spot I chose for my garden wasn't the spot. The sun quit that spot too quick in the day--this is after I had my son, who delivered a whole truck load of rich dirt for my birthday, haul it all up a hill! I've been trying to watch the sun, since I'm surrounded by trees, to pick out the lengthiest, sunniest piece of ground. My son's fiancee pointed out a likely spot. I only needed to check out if it gets sun in the morning. And there, first thing I see when I look out the window the very next morning, right on the exact spot, is a great blue heron! I took it as a good omen! Of course we all know that it was stalking for gophers, not so good, but I'm planting above the ground, so good!!

It slowly stalked away...

The sun caught its bright orange beak, what a beautiful creature!


martha miller said...

WoW! So beautiful!!! Yes, that's a good sign!

Dean Grey said...


What a special moment! Glad you captured the heron for all to see.

Good omen indeed!

Hope you are getting some planting done this weekend!


Susan Beauchemin said...

Oh I am---I am!!