Watercolor, 7"x 7"
Chris Beck recently honored me with this award. Please do check out her web and blog site.
She is an award winning artist, who paints with watercolors and acrylics--very bright and beautiful paintings! Thank you--I feel a little weird accepting this because I didn't accept one sent to me by my sister--sorry Martha! I truly just didn't have time to accept that one, but I do have a few minutes for this one. I'll definitely send this to Martha, first because she deserves it--can't think of anyone more passionate about art--and second, so she can turn it down if she so wishes, then we'll be even!
I'm to send this along to 7 people and link those people so you can peruse their sites. That's a lot of people so I may only send it to however many as I want to--I don't have a passion for being on this computer!! I'm to list 7 things I love--this I can do, but I'm running out of time so I'll have to accept this award in stages--Ha! I could realllly stretch this out! I just might...
Also, I'm changing the name of my blog. Daily Paintings is just a lie! For some reason my paintings are taking me longer than they ever did--same size, but perhaps it's the subject matter--people, hands, parts of the figure, that requires, for me , more time. Painting Daily on the other hand is the truth, well... except for the long weekends when my granddaughter is out of school--(maybe this isn't a good time to accept an award for being a passionate painter)

WOW- what a gorgeous & strong image!!
terrific painting, sue!!!
congrats on your award! you most certainly deserve it!
(and instead of rejecting the blog award, maybe i'll just mail you some shoulder pads...hee hee)
Oh my Susan, this piece and the prior ballet one are so awesome. I enjoyed looking at your photos of your beautiful granddaughter. I did find it amusing the shots resembled the composition of your paintings! How amusing your art style bleeds into everything isn't it!
Very lively piece as with all of your work.
Strong attention to anatomy and proportions too!
Oh wow, this one has such great dimension--really fine!
Hi! I've just discovered your blog and wanted to say how much I love your paintings! The batik effect is terrific!Congrats on your award too!
Love your paintings--your view, the subjects ... I'm curious how your get the flecks of black (?) throughout? Is it some sort of was resist process?
Very much enjoying your dancers series!!
Thank you Roxanne!
Martha, I forgot what the meaning of the shoulder pads was--fill me back in , or pad me in.
Hi Sheila, yes we just can't escape from ourselves no matter what we do!
Hi Dean, thanks--I'm glad it came over as lively--after all they are dancers!
Thanks Don--happy spring to you!
Welcome Caroline, thanks for viewing my blog. The batik effect is becoming more prevalent as I continue painting--hmmm...
Hi Laura, thank you! I did post about my process quite a few posts ago--maybe it's time to update, but go back to older posts, I believe the painting is titled, Schielch Animals. You can read a bit about the method of my madness.
Again forgive me for not following the blogger etiquette of replying on separate pages for each response. Just think of it as saving paper?! But really it saves me time as I have to go pick up my granddaughter early today---Happy Easter--yesterday!!
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