I used an old dress pattern that I paid .50 for from a thrift shop. I made the pattern larger, added a long sleeve from another pattern, added pockets, collar, belt and switched the opening to the front. At the thrift shop I found the gray wool in a roll for $1.00, the lining in another roll for $1.00. At home I knew I had some left over cotton batting.
Turned out the gray wool was large scraps left over from someone's sewing project, and the wool had a few small holes in it, probably from moths or mice? I washed all the fabric, feeling a little discouraged that I wouldn't be able to use the wool, but I did have enough if I pieced the sleeves together (note the seam half way down the sleeve). I also had to darn a small hole or two with gray embroidery thread. I used some dark blue thin corduroy I had on hand for the collar and trim. I ran into numerous problems along the way, but because the fabric only cost me a dollar, I felt a sort of freedom to try this pattern alteration. The flannel at the wrists came from my rag draw! It's a piece of an old sheet I had ripped up into rags, but it's soft (she has sensitive skin!!),and was the right color. It's kind of funny too--when it came to the buttons, I didn't want to spend more on the buttons than I did on the fabric, so my granddaughter and I picked out a set from a scoop of buttons we bought for $1.00
She really likes the coat, which is the most important thing--the lining is smooth and silky feeling and the wool with the cotton batting makes it a good warm coat. It's big enough for a light sweater underneath for extra cold days. I feel good that I made this for under $5.00!
Wow!!! I love your post. The coat is stunning. What a gorgeous garment for your granddaughter. You are talented beyond measure : ) Seeing her beaming smile in her beautiful coat reminds me of one of my favourite children's books: A New Coat for Anna. Do you know it? You could check it out on Amazon and it would be a great gift for your granddaughter, especially after reading what you wrote!
You Are The Frugal Seamstress QUEEN!!! You could sell that gorgeous coat for a couple of hundred dollars! It's fabulous!!!
Hi Aunt Sue--this is beautiful! I love P's grin with some teeth missing (we have one of those at our house right now). What a lovely coat! Love, Becky
Hi Kim, I'll have to look up that book! Thanks for mentioning it and for your comment!
Hi Martha, I'm not gonna be selling any coats! One's enough!
Hi Becky, Good to hear from you! Thanks for checking in on my blog! The tooth fairy is always busy!
Unbelievable. The coat is wonderful and your talents are a marvel. Thanks for showing us that things can be done frugally and well.
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