I was a sort of task master--each day I would have her draw so many clothespin dolls, another day I'd set out the acetate for the pinwheels for her to decorate with large paint markers, and so on for a few weeks.
Besides putting her "mark" on each item, she was the artistic director throughout all the decisions. I probably helped too much, as I'm apt to do, but what fun it was!
I started the table with two saw horses and a length of plywood. I set that up about a week before the fair, then kept adding to it--an awning would be nice--spray paint the table top--paint the bamboo--bells!--a table skirt, then cutting into the table skirt!----stop!
We sold lots of things that twirled--pinwheels, magic elastic button sting, and an origami paper twirly, mobiles. I never had a chance to even take a picture of our table set up at the fair site, but we were catching the wind left and right! I couldn't help twirling our table in the first photo--plus, I was having too much fun once again in photo shop!
Glad your back on-line and sharing all these crafts you have been making. I missed that :)
WoW! So COOL! Are those branches holding up the awning? What are those colored balls on them? Really creative!!!
Thanks to you and Damien, I'm back on line! And sort of up to date in this techno world...(is anyone ever really up to date??) besides Damien? I love you!
Yes, those branches are bamboo, they grew in our yard. I pulled out my assortment of wooden beads to fit them on the ends of the little off shoots. As it turned out the awning didn't offer a whole lot of shade, but thankfully we didn't need it as we were stationed under a tree.
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