This blog started with small daily paintings then changed to a more personal sharing of projects, events and photos. Enjoy!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
String Balloons for a Wedding
My son and his fiancee will not only have dry ice on their dance floor, but above, will have many string balloons with a little battery candle in each. We've had a few nights of wrapping balloons with various kinds of yarn and string. The cotton yarn seemed to work the best.
many hands...
The first batch of dried balloons, I didn't have any trouble getting the balloon to separate from the yarn. I just had to push the balloon in on all the open spaces, pierce it near the knot to slowly let out some air--made sure the balloon wasn't stuck to the yarn, then popped it! I did have some problems with the second batch--for some reason the yarn really stuck and no amount of pressing in would release it--(same wheat paste and white glue mixture)--I think it had something to do with the balloon! This seemed to happen on the balloons that were blown up the day before and had sat overnight? Or I'm wondering if it only happened with the dollar store balloons?
This is an old craft--I remember using starch--I wonder if starch would work better?
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