Party favors are being made once again! If you remember, last year I went
a little overboard making party favors. This year isn't too different, but maybe I'm doing just a little less? It was my granddaughter's idea to make more clothespin dolls. We made them for the childrens craft fair last summer. I do end up doing a lot of the construction, but the faces, clothing design and choice of color are all hers. I just love the faces she draws--look at this motley crew!

Here are a few not quite finished--some need arms--all need hair.

Here are a few from her private collection--it was tough making enough to sell, because she wanted them all!
At the fair we were selling these for 1$! I thought they'd be snatched right up, but they stood on our booth all morning--right before packing it up, a little old lady came by and plucked them up one at a time till they were almost gone, (she didn't choose any ballerinas, I noticed) I was trying to concentrate on how many she was tossing into her bag. After paying, she looked up with a crooked colorful grin just like the dolls!! She could have been one of them! She slowly shuffled away clutching her bag full of clothespin dolls, and her cane in the other.
I LOOOOOOOOVE THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me too!!
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