My husband put this bowl fountain together in remembrance of his good friend John who recently passed on. He and John, at a minus tide, would camp out up the coast and spend hours searching the rocky beach of Jade Cove finding jade. All those little pieces of jade on the table are just a handful of what John had collected--he shined these small pieces with a tumbler.
This table was set up at his memorial service--guests could pick a piece of jade to take with them.
Sue I just came here to see if you'd posted a picture of the fountain and voila, there it is. It is beautiful, way better than I even imagined.
thank you,
Hi Pat, I like the size and its simplicity.
I meant to say the photo itself is great, too--when I click on it to make it bigger, I can see the jade from the table reflected off the glaze on the bowl...
better eyes probably already knew that ? ! p
I really loved the Jade bowl that Mike put together on the table from all the pieces they picked together at Jade cove. What a nice idea for everyone who attended the celebration of life for John last Sunday to take a piece home with them to remember and keep John by them forever.
Oh thanks Pat!
Hi Marian, I think a lot of people had this idea, but we first heard the fountain idea from Michaela! Great idea!
Wow I love it--Dad did an awesome job. John would have loved it!
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