For mother's day, my son, my granddaughter and I took a break from our relatively small contained vegetable gardens, to walk in mother earth's wild garden--how does she do it?? Mulch, I think---Such beauty everywhere!

If you look closely at these little red buds, they look like little red hands pointing in all directions--look over there!--and there!--and there! So we did! I don't know all the names to these plants--this one might be a poisonous one.

The bloom is deer weed sneaking up behind the new green growth of CA sage--there are such wonderful fresh and savory smells out in the chaparral!

Sweet little orange and white flowers litter the ground to either side of the paths.

I forget the name of this plant...

This is black sage--I've always loved the Dr. Suess look of these stacking buds!

Sticky monkey flowers,

Of course the poison oak--looking so healthy--too close!

My son spied a big beautiful snake--gopher I think, non poisonous, and caught it!--notice my granddaughter did not want to get any closer. My son has a history of finding and catching all sorts of wildlife--he always lets them go, but we loved coming across this guy!

Hope you had a good mother's day!
Oh, Brey and Wyeth would have LOVED to hold that snake!!! Wow, what amazing plant life. Like landing in OZ!!!
"a point in every direction is the same as no point at all" the pointed man
Hi Martha, After George had it in his hands for awhile, he could let go of the head, sort of a short term tamed time.
You would love to walk around here--I picture you needing lots of water in this environment.
Hi Michaela, I thought of the point too! I love that movie and all the songs on it. oxo
Ha ha - alot of water -translation: panic attack territory!!!
What a beautiful place!
Those red flowers do indeed look like hands pointing every which way!
This post made me smile!
Hi Dean, I'm glad!
I hadn't thought about it that way, Martha--I think you'd like it out here--certain areas might be problematic? Come out here anyway!!!!!!
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