We took a walk in between down pours. We saw dripping blooms...

A green house dome...

Some unexpected things, like whale bone ribs--just kidding...

A whale's skull! I'm not kidding. We rounded a corner to see about four of these whale skulls strapped against the side of a building...

A phone booth! Who ever sees phone booths any more--had to get a picture, next time we see one, it might well be in a museum!
Great post! Whale skulls strapped to buildings and phone booths...what will they think of next!?
The photo of the greenhouse dome was eerie and interesting.
ha ha! were mike and patience getting ready to change into their superhero outfits? (look! up in the sky! it's a bird! it's a plane! it's Grampa B and SUPER P!!!!!)
Hi Elizabeth, It was an interesting walk! I would have loved to see inside the dome!
Hi Martha, They were IN their superhero outfits--super talkers on their phones--they can talk a person into anything!!
I wish I were there!
Looks like fun!
Hi Dean, It was fun, I hope all is well where you are!
wow nice website sir. Nice collection of photographs .i lykd it hmmmmm.... your site rocks ..keep going on..
and very very best of luck 4 ur future...
with regards..
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