Those are her
take off like an airplane ears,

At my granddaughter's suggestion, my daughter sent Pippin, our old cat, a letter. My granddaughter waited until Pippin showed up, (from hunting bunnies, or sleeping--but I sure wish she would go after the mice!!) to open and read the letter to her. Pippin sat and listened--she perked her ears when the letter was translated into cat language--meow, meow, meow, meow!
yeah she got her letter! What a good idea P had. She makes a good little pen pal. can't wait to see you guys---mic
too cute. P is getting so tall!!! love her nightgown...
does pippin fly the feline airline? ^ ^
word verification:
go tell P to let the CAT IN
me-owwww meow ,,,meeeeow...meow...
translated into people language that means.....ahhhh how sweet, sweet cat, sweet grandddaughter, sweet idea.........
Oh, I know THAT look!! Where would we be without our cats?
That was sweet of your granddaughter, Susan!
Pippin is rather patient, huh?
Hi Michaela--we'll be up there before you know it!
Hi Martha, Funny verification!
Hi Cynthia, Yes, it was very sweet!
Hi Caroline, I know, she's such a silent family member, except when she's hungry!
Hi Dean, You're right Pippin is patient and getting kind of old and that helps--and my granddaughter is pretty sweet!
wow nice website sir. Nice collection of photographs .i lykd it hmmmmm.... your site rocks ..keep going on..
and very very best of luck 4 ur future...
with regards..
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