After all the birthdays, holidays, and guests, I've been resting. I want to call it lazy, but, I probably needed to take a break from painting, making gifts, cooking and cleaning. I'm still enjoying this winter light and how it catches things like steam; steam from freshly brewed coffee! I can almost smell it! I'll get back into the swing of things, or maybe I won't---time will tell...
My revisited painting for today is:
'Pasta Bow'
Those are great photos, the light is certainly very special...
Thank you Carolina! Have you had your baby yet?!
Yes Susan :) That's a photo of me just the day before giving birth to my second child (5 years ago). I chose it because... I don't know exactly, I guess it reflects a couple of things about me: I'm a mom, my belly is not the same as it was before being a mom :), it's not a close up so it gives me some level of anonymity... ah, well, maybe there's something else but I can't go any further at a conscious level...
thanks for asking...
really beautiful photos, sue! take a nice long coffee break - you deserve it!! :^)
Carolina, I think I know what you mean--being pregnant, to me, was a great feeling--feeling alive--expecting--carrying the future--a very special feeling!
Martha I wish you could be here to have that coffee with me!
You even make steam look good!
Is there anything you can't do?!
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