My son commissioned this portrait of his girlfriend. I sketched this from a photo, using a pen. I incorporated my son's drawing of the flower, photocopied, darkened, enlarged, then cut and pasted them onto the drawing. Commissioned things and working from a photo are not my favorite things, so I worked on this almost nonstop till it was done--into the wee hours of the morning--I shouldn't have done that. Then the next day I see where one eye was ever so slightly crooked--can't leave it--have to fix it--so after all that staying up way too late--I
CUT the eye out and glued it back in! (I felt somewhat exuberant--wickedly happy--almost giddy cutting into the drawing) So the photo copies are the final end result in this case. Have a good long weekend.
Ink pen on drawing paper, 8"x 11"
Looks good, Sue! I love looking at it close up and love also that the finished piece is a photocopy of a ball point pen drawing! One of my favorite drawing teachers, Michael Moore (had him years ago at USM) used to work primarily with ball point pens!
I'll bet that G & A are thrilled with the finished product!
Thanks Martha--I think G will like it--this looks a little different on the computer--you don't see as many pen lines and the angle of the camera kind of distorted the portrait ever so slightly. If you look very closly at her right eye (the left as you're looking at the drawing, you'll see where I cut around the eye!
This is a very nice portrait. And I love the unique medium! I'd be delighted to be added to your links. :)
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