My son commissioned this portrait of his girlfriend. I sketched this from a photo, using a pen. I incorporated my son's drawing of the flower, photocopied, darkened, enlarged, then cut and pasted them onto the drawing. Commissioned things and working from a photo are not my favorite things, so I worked on this almost nonstop till it was done--into the wee hours of the morning--I shouldn't have done that. Then the next day I see where one eye was ever so slightly crooked--can't leave it--have to fix it--so after all that staying up way too late--I
CUT the eye out and glued it back in! (I felt somewhat exuberant--wickedly happy--almost giddy cutting into the drawing) So the photo copies are the final end result in this case. Have a good long weekend.
Ink pen on drawing paper, 8"x 11"